Search for tag: "obsolete taxonomic groups"

Insects of Bidwell Park

Dr. Don Miller Biological Sciences Department CSU, Chico Dr. Don Miller explains his findings regarding insects in Bidwell Park. Among butterflies tales, aphids anecdotes, and Jerusalem crickets…

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From  Gateway Science Museum 1 likes 277 plays 0  

Engaging Young Children in Science and Literacy Learning: One Biology Majors Career Path

Dr. Char Moffit School of Education CSU, ChicoWhen it comes to science, how are kids educated in our schools? Why are districts restricting the amount of science we teach? Dr. Char Moffit, a…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 125 plays 0  

Chemical Contaminants and Health of Fishes in Urban Coastal Regions

Dr. Kevin Kelley Interim Associate Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs, CSU, Chico Dr. Kevin Kelley begins his presentation by stating that the San Francisco Bay Area and the Southern…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 42 plays 0  

I got your back: my movies and research on the evolution of defense and locomotion of slug and nettle caterpillar moths (Lepidoptera_ Limacodidae) 1989-present

Dr. Marc Epstein Senior Insect Biosystematist, California Department of Food & Agriculture; Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution Dr. Epstein’s job with the State of California…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 22 plays 0