From Sustainability April 5th, 2019
John and Susan Scott Audrey Denney John Michael Scott starts this keynote presentation with a performance of his new songs about the Camp Fire. Although they are… -
From Sustainability April 2nd, 2019
Dave Schlom North State Public Radio Host, Blue Dot Dave Schlom of North State Public Radio hosts a panel of four wildfire survivors that currently reside, or once… -
From Sustainability March 29th, 2019
Alice Julier Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT), Associate Professor, and Director of Food Studies at Chatham Grains… -
From Sustainability March 29th, 2019
Larry Kopald Co-Founder & President The Carbon Underground Larry Kopald shares how his company, The Carbon Underground, accelerates the adoption of regenerative… -
From Sustainability October 15th, 2018
John W. Roulac, Founder Nutiva The world’s oceans are in peril. Overfishing and thousands of tons of garbage dumped into the ocean each year is causing severe… -
From Sustainability September 13th, 2018
Dr. David Johnson Molecular Biologist New Mexico State University, and Adjunct Faculty, CSU, Chico Dr. David Johnson is a Molecular Biologist conducting research for… -
From Sustainability April 24th, 2018
Dr. Tim LaSalle Co-Founder & Co-Director, Regenerative Agriculture Initiative Regenerative agriculture is an approach to food and farming systems. It works with… -
From Sustainability April 20th, 2018
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Climate Activist and Hip-Hop Artist At only 17 years old, Xiuhtezcatl (pronounced ‘Shoe- Tez- Caht’) has used his role as an… -
From Sustainability April 12th, 2018
Dahr Jamail Environmental Journalist Dahr Jamail is a journalist who has spent several years researching what he labels “anthropogenic climate disruption,”… -
From Sustainability March 21st, 2018
Dr. Kim Prather, Distinguished Professor of Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Professor in Chemistry and Biochemistry at UC San Diego Distinguished Professor of… -
From Sustainability March 20th, 2018
Natalie Carter Executive Director, Butte Environmental Council Angel Gomez Watershed Program Coordinator, Butte Environmental Council Butte Environmental Council (BEC)… -
From Sustainability March 20th, 2018
Jerry Hinkle Regional Coordinator and Governing Board Member for Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Jerry Hinkle, Regional Coordinator and Governing Board Member for… -
From Sustainability March 20th, 2018
Matt St. Clair Director of Sustainability University of California Office of the President The University of California system is comprised of 10 campuses and 238,000… -
From Sustainability March 19th, 2018
Cheri Chastain Sustainability Manager Sierra Nevada Brewing Company The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, founded and still headquartered in Chico, is known not only for… -
From Sustainability March 19th, 2018
Dr. David Montgomery University of Washington In Growing a Revolution David R. Montgomery introduces us to farmers around the world at the heart of a brewing soil…