Human Trafficking Training for Communities and Schools
From STOP Human Trafficking May 19th, 2017
From STOP Human Trafficking May 19th, 2017
Carissa Phelps, Stacy Jewell and Jenna McKaye describe their journeys from being trafficked to becoming out-spoken advocates for voiceless salves. Ms. Phelps starts the presentation by explaining how easy it is to report suspected human trafficking through the sactac.org website. She continues with a documentary exploring her life on the street and how she and a few others turned her life around.
Stacy Jewell presents her story in dramatic fashion utilizing her powerful delivery.
Carissa returns to the stage to describe how the audience can become eyes and ears to stop human trafficking. And finally Jenna McKaye encourages everyone to ask questions to save lives.
Recorded: March 29, 2017