Dr. Julia Kobrina-Coolidge
Moderator, CSU, Chico Faculty,
International Languages, Literature's & Cultures
Panel of CSU, Chico Graduate Students:
Nadia Akulova
Melisse Boyd
David Briggs
Joseph Ettinger
Nikki Giuseffi
Five graduate students from the CSU, Chico Teaching International Languages (TIL) program offer insights about their field of study. Dr. Kobrina-Coolidge introduces the program with some observations on the multiple advantages of learning one or more languages in addition to one’s native language and how this is a key to experiencing the world’s diversity. The students then comment on why they feel it is important to study other languages, discuss strategies they have found useful in learning new languages, and share how they plan to use their language studies in attaining their career and life goals.
View/Download Transcript Recorded: December 1, 2015