Search for tag: "aspects"

Preview of Eric Bartelink's Skeleton Keys class for OLLI

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From  OLLI 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Logan Smith - Reflection video - AGRI 305 Agriculture Genetics

Reflection video 2 with audio synced!

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From  Logan Smith 1 likes 84 plays 0  

Norkeith Smith Go Virtual Reflection

Norkeith Smith Go Virtual Reflection Video

From  Norkeith Smith 2 likes 38 plays 0  

Rebecca Shelly Go Virtual

Rebecca Shelly discussing her online conversion of Basic Drawing. Currently has 17 students.

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From  Rebecca Shelly 1 likes 81 plays 0  

How to Write a Unified, Coherent Essay

Mike Bluing and Sonoma Koontz Writing Tutors, CSU, Chico Student Learning Center CSU, Chico student writing tutors explain the concept of “unity” as a tool to write more coherent…

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 1,334 plays 0