Search for tag: "clothing"

Abilities Preserved the longest in Dementia

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From  Jessica Melchor 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Insects of Bidwell Park

Dr. Don Miller Biological Sciences Department CSU, Chico Dr. Don Miller explains his findings regarding insects in Bidwell Park. Among butterflies tales, aphids anecdotes, and Jerusalem crickets…

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From  Gateway Science Museum 1 likes 277 plays 0  

Overcoming Barriers: Breakthrough and Create Exponential Business Growth

Prem Chand Founder and and CEO of Growth FactorsPrem Chand grew up on a farm, working hard and selling produce as a kid. This gave him a drive for success. He started his own company which quickly…

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From  Chico State Center for Entrepreneurship 0 likes 151 plays 0