Search for tag: "conceptions of self"

Injustice Against Humanity- An Islamic Perspective

Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer Associate Chaplin & Assistant Research Scholar New York University Early in his presentation, Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer declares, “Every human being desires justice,”…

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From  Salam_Association_Group 0 likes 667 plays 0  

Buddhist Attitudes Towards Science and Technology

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Facutly, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department As an introduction to his presentation, Dr. Daniel Veidlinger notes, “Buddhism has long been…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 1 likes 1,628 plays 0  

Nurturing & Negotiating Free Speech in a Digital World

Susan Wiesinger Mark Plenke Stephen Caldes Faculty, Journalism & Public Relations Department, CSU, Chico Is freedom of speech also freedom from speech? Digital technology has helped create a…

From  Conversations on Diversity & Inclusion 0 likes 70 plays 0  

I wanted to write - a poem - that rhymes - but revolution doesn't lend - itself to Hip Hopping

Dr. Tracy Butts English Professor, CSU, Chico Dr. Butts takes her title from a poem by the black poet Nikki Giovanni. By its very nature, Hip Hop is revolutionary. Born of necessity, Hip Hop gave a…

From  Humanities Center 0 likes 165 plays 0  

Effects of Overinvolved Parenting on Young Adults' Identity and Family Satisfaction

Dr. Michelle Givertz Professor, Department of Communication Studies, CSU, Chico Dr. Michelle Givertz presents her research paper about the phenomenon popularly known as “helicopter…

From  Communication & Education 0 likes 186 plays 0  

Developing a Research Question that Interests You

Kevin Klipfel Information Literacy Coordinator, CSU, Chico Meriam Library Kevin Klipfel shows students how to turn a general interest in a subject into something specific that has enough…

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 98 plays 0  

What are You Worth? Enhancing Self-Esteem

Dr. Pat Patterson Counseling and Wellness Center “The reputation you have with yourself” is how Dr. Patterson defines self-esteem in this workshop. He also calls it “the…

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From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 56 plays 0