03:30duration 3 minutes 30 seconds
Canvas Overview (Navigate Dashboard, Courses,…
Canvas Overview (Navigate Dashboard, Courses, & Glogal Links)
04:32duration 4 minutes 32 seconds
Canvas Student App
03:07duration 3 minutes 7 seconds
Navigating and Organizing Your Canvas Dashboard
Enhance your Canvas experience and optimize your learning environment with these valuable tips and tricks. Learn how to effectively navigate and organize your Canvas dashboard with this short…
Day 5: Cross Listing
00:49duration 49 seconds
Day 2: Setting up Dashboard
04:27duration 4 minutes 27 seconds
Allison McConnell "LMS Minimalist"…
Allison McConnell "LMS Minimalist" Canvas Course Tour (Math 120)
06:24duration 6 minutes 24 seconds
How to Manage Groups
In this video we will demonstrate how to create and manage groups for your MediaSpace or KAF installation.
01:36:24duration 1 hour 36 minutes
Siteimprove Training 9/22/2021
In this training session, we go over what Siteimprove is, why we use it, and how it can be used to improve our campus subsites.
30:39duration 30 minutes 39 seconds
CalFresh Outreach - Program Evaluation &…
CalFresh Outreach - Program Evaluation & Research