Search for tag: "hearing"

New Musical Resources-Exploring Acoustic/Kinetic Objects

Trimpin Kinetic Sculptor, Sound Artist and Musician Over a long and distinguished career, the artist known as Trimpin has taken the term “mixed media” as far as anyone. His works…

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From  Humanities Center 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Irish Traditional Music with Molly's Favorite

Tim Applebee & Molly's Favorite Celtic musician Tim Applebee leads a discussion about past and present Irish music. This fun-filled learning experience features the local Chico band…

From  International Forums 1 likes 69 plays 0  

Paragraph Island

Carson Medley Advisor, CSU, Chico Graduate Studies Carson Medley breaks down the inner workings of the paragraph. He reviews syntax and discusses the role of punctuation – chiefly, the…

From  Jeff Layne 1 likes 363 plays 0