Dr. Don Miller Biological Sciences Department CSU, Chico Dr. Don Miller explains his findings regarding insects in Bidwell Park. Among butterflies tales, aphids anecdotes, and Jerusalem crickets…
Dr. Kevin Buffardi CSU, Chico Computer Science Department
is plentiful, but making sense of it is not always so easy. Graphical
representation of data can help us discover new…
Bernie Knaus New Autos Inc. http://www.newautosinc.com/ How can you tell if a car dealership is honest, and how
do you know if you are being taken "for a ride"? Bernie Wallmark points…
Dr. Sara Trechter & Dr. Saundra Wright Faculty, English Department, CSU, Chico Two CSU, Chico linguists
explain how the use of language can define and influence movements for social
Carson Medley Advisor, CSU, Chico Graduate Studies Carson Medley breaks down the inner workings of the paragraph. He reviews syntax and discusses the role of punctuation – chiefly, the…
Mike Bluing and Sonoma Koontz Writing Tutors, CSU, Chico Student Learning Center CSU, Chico student writing tutors explain the concept of “unity” as a tool to write more coherent…