Search for tag: "philosophical concepts"

Representations of Female Homosexuality in Middle Eastern Contemporary Literature: Strategies and Critics

Zayer Baazaoui Ph.D. candidate in Literary,…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 464 plays 0  

The Internet as Transnational Religious Space

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Faculty, CSU, Chico…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 103 plays 0  

Many Religions, One Science

Dr. John Mahoney Faculty, CSU, Chico Biological…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Contested Knowledge: What Conspiracy Theories are Telling Us

Professor Rebecca Moore Professor of Religious…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 267 plays 0