Search for tag: "popular"

With and Against the Grain: Bread in the Late Anthropocene

Alice Julier Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT), Associate Professor, and Director of Food Studies at Chatham Grains play a major part in developing…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Women and World War I in the Middle East

Dr. Serpil Atamaz Assistant Professor of History California State University, Sacramento Dr. Serpil Atamaz reveals the truths behind gender separation during World War I. She reveals how studies of…

From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 491 plays 0  

Developing a Research Question that Interests You

Kevin Klipfel Information Literacy Coordinator, CSU, Chico Meriam Library Kevin Klipfel shows students how to turn a general interest in a subject into something specific that has enough…

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Street Chants and Violins, Politics and Race in Venezuela

T.M. Scruggs Ethnomusicologist, Faculty, University of Iowa Recent protests in the more wealthy parts of several cities in Venezuela reveal that an intertwined class and racial divide remains in that…

From  Humanities Center 0 likes 43 plays 0