John Vanek Consultant on Leadership and the Response to Human Trafficking John Vanek is a retired San Jose Police Department lieutenant who spent 25 years in law enforcement. In 2006, he helped…
Vicki Zito R.N., Anti-Trafficking Activist, Mother of a Survivor Ms. Zito is the mother of four children, including a trafficking victim. She relates that one evening her daughter did not return…
Chris Stambaugh Founder & Director, The GRACE Network After a history of street outreach work with homeless, sexually-exploited youth, Sacramento-based Chris Stambaugh is now a consultant with…
Dr. Michael J. Coyle Faculty, Political Science Department, CSU, Chico Dr. Kate Transchel Faculty, History Department, CSU, Chico These presentations could be subtitled, “look beneath the…
Carissa Phelps, Mike Laughlin, Keisha Head, Christina Rangel Carrisa Phelps opens this program from CSU, Chico’s fourth annual STOP Human Trafficking Conference with a powerful speech and the…
Anna Lind Thomas Residence Community Coordinator In this informative presentation, “hooking up” is defined as a physical encounter between two people with no strings attached. The…
JD Stier JD Stier worked with the Obama Administration on youth issues and now works to help break the links between minerals used in electronics and human trafficking in the Congo. In a…