Search for tag: "religions"

Religious Studies Information Session

Join Dr. Daniel Veidlinger, Comparative Religion & Humanities Department Chair, as he describes the online Religious Studies program and how current students are enjoying the program. The…

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From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 28 plays 0  

What Religious People Think About Science (and Scientists)

Elaine Howard Ecklund, PhD Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences Director, Religion and Public Life Rice UniversityDr. Gregory Cootsona Comparative Religion and Humanities Department CSU,…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 1 likes 438 plays 0  

What Scientists Think About Religion and Religious People

Elaine Howard Ecklund, PhD Professor of Sociology at Rice University Director, Religion and Public Life Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund’s presentation…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 664 plays 0  

Folktales of the Afghani Jews

Audrey Armstrong Undergraduate Anthropology California State University, Chico Audrey Armstrong presents her findings from an interview with the son of an Afghani Jew. She explains how the common…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 125 plays 0  

Happy Holidays from Chico State

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 18 plays 0  

What Constitutes Scripture?

Dr. David Bertaina Chair, History Department University of Illinois-Springfield Dr. Najm Yousefi Faculty, History Department CSU, Chico In the first part of this presentation, Dr. Bertaina…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 104 plays 0  

The Internet as Transnational Religious Space

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Faculty, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department The internet has been used as a tool to learn about religions from the beginning. However, according to Dr.…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 101 plays 0  

Chico State - Tower Society - Tom & Karyl Villa

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 90 plays 0  

The Interaction of Religion, Science and Technology As a Global Issue

Dr. Greg Cootsona Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities CSU, Chico Dr. Greg Cootsona’s presentation is divided into three parts. He begins by focusing on the so-called…

From  International Forums 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Christian Maps, Jewish Monsters: Creating a Grotesque Past and a Horrifying Future

Dr. Asa Simon Mittman Professor, Art and History, Chico State Dr. Mittman discusses how ancient maps portray Jews as monsters and how these perceptions continue to influence the world today. Much…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 186 plays 0  

Whither the Secular City

Dr. Louis Greenspan Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Dr. Greenspan, a scholar of Canadian intellectual history and modern, liberal Jewish thought, traces the…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Buddhism and Chocolate Cake: How to be Happy

The Venerable Robina Courtin Buddhist Nun The Venerable Robina Courtin, a Buddhist nun from Australia, has worked full-time since the late 1970s for Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 248 plays 0