Search for tag: "religious"

Naturalism in Religion

Recorded: May 1, 2019

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 104 plays 0  

Academic Senate 4-4-19

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From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, and Wonders

Dr. Asa Mittman Art and Art History Department CSU, Chico In this unique presentation, Dr. Asa Mittman closely analyzes a medieval map with students and colleagues. What are they analyzing?…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 266 plays 0  

A Leadership Journey

Chela Mendoza Patterson, Ed.D. Associate Vice President for Student Life CSU, Chico If you ever see Chela Mendoza Patterson’s Dear World photograph, you will see three words that underscore…

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From  "Women Like You" Leadership Symposium 0 likes 140 plays 0  

What is the Matter with Israeli Politics?

Dr. Eran Zelnik History Department CSU, Chico How has Benjamin Netanyahu been able to hold on to power in Israel for so long? Where are Israeli politics going? Is peace in the Middle East…

From  International Forums 0 likes 85 plays 0  

What Religious People Think About Science (and Scientists)

Elaine Howard Ecklund, PhD Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences Director, Religion and Public Life Rice UniversityDr. Gregory Cootsona Comparative Religion and Humanities Department CSU,…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 1 likes 456 plays 0  

What Scientists Think About Religion and Religious People

Elaine Howard Ecklund, PhD Professor of Sociology at Rice University Director, Religion and Public Life Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund’s presentation…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 700 plays 0  

Folktales of the Afghani Jews

Audrey Armstrong Undergraduate Anthropology California State University, Chico Audrey Armstrong presents her findings from an interview with the son of an Afghani Jew. She explains how the common…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 127 plays 0  

Academic Senate 5-10-18

From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Injustice Against Humanity- An Islamic Perspective

Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer Associate Chaplin & Assistant Research Scholar New York University Early in his presentation, Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer declares, “Every human being desires justice,”…

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From  Salam_Association_Group 0 likes 668 plays 0  

What Constitutes Scripture?

Dr. David Bertaina Chair, History Department University of Illinois-Springfield Dr. Najm Yousefi Faculty, History Department CSU, Chico In the first part of this presentation, Dr. Bertaina…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 105 plays 0  

Religion in the Public Sphere: Conflict or Dialogue?

Dr. Vernon Andrews San Jose State University Dr. Jason Clower CSU, Chico Dr. Andrew M. Flescher State University of New York, Stony Brook Dr. Katherine G. McCarthy CSU, Chico Dr. Sarah M. Pike…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 216 plays 0  

The Internet as Transnational Religious Space

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Faculty, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department The internet has been used as a tool to learn about religions from the beginning. However, according to Dr.…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 103 plays 0  

Nature Religions and the Spiritualization of Science

Dr. Sarah Pike Faculty, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department Dr. Sarah Pike studies the range of alternative spiritual movements in North America. This talk focuses on…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 209 plays 0  

Emerging Adults on Religion and Science

Dr. Greg Cootsona Faculty, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department Dr. Greg Cootsona shares his research on young people age 18-30, called “Science for Students &…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 689 plays 0  

Many Religions, One Science

Dr. John Mahoney Faculty, CSU, Chico Biological Sciences Department Dr. John Mahoney not only uses PowerPoint slides and a lecture to make his points, he also plays guitar and sings. He notes that…

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From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 0 likes 66 plays 0