Dr. Kevin Buffardi CSU, Chico Computer Science Department
is plentiful, but making sense of it is not always so easy. Graphical
representation of data can help us discover new…
Dr. Tracy Butts Interim Dean Humanities and Fine Arts CSU, Chico Tracy Butts, CSU, Chico’s Dean of the College of Humanities
and Fine Arts, is a strong woman in a position of power; and…
Elaine Howard Ecklund, PhD Professor of Sociology at Rice University Director, Religion and Public Life Herbert S. Autrey Chair in Social Sciences Dr. Elaine Howard Ecklund’s presentation…
Zayer Baazaoui Ph.D. candidate in Literary, Cultural and Linguistic Studies University of Miami, Florida Zayer Baazaoui explains the connection between the
development of society and the development…
Alexandre Dorriz BA University
of California Berkeley MFA
Candidate University of Southern California Alexandre
Dorriz revisits Edward Said’s definitions around latent Orientalism…
Irene Korber Library Research, Instruction, and Outreach Jodi Shepherd Library Collection Access & Management The Meriam
Library is adopting a new Unified Library Management System called…