Search for tag: "reproductive system"

Chemical Contaminants and Health of Fishes in Urban Coastal Regions

Dr. Kevin Kelley Interim Associate Vice President, Research and Sponsored Programs, CSU, Chico Dr. Kevin Kelley begins his presentation by stating that the San Francisco Bay Area and the Southern…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 42 plays 0  

What Biological Measures Can Tell Us About Psychological Constructs

Dr. Michael Ennis Faculty, Psychology Department, CSU, Chico Dr. Ennis, who has a PhD in Psychobiology, is interested in building bridges between the two disciplines. He begins by discussing the…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 521 plays 0  

Creating Yourgasm

Amy Luna Manderino Author Ms. Manderino is currently working on research for a book about shifting paradigms regarding aging, gender, and sexuality. She asserts that understanding physical,…

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From  Health and Community Services 0 likes 329 plays 0