Search for tag: "republican"

"Are We Great Yet?" - The First 100 Days of the Trump Administration

Dr. Sue Hilderbrand Dr. Diana Dwyre Dr. Darin Haerle Dr. Adam Irish Dr. Andrew Potter Faculty, Political Science Department, CSU, Chico Dr, Jacob Jennings Faculty, Economics Department, CSU,…

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From  Political Science 0 likes 113 plays 0  

The Future Is Ours: How Demographic Change and Latino Voters are Changing American Politics in 2016 and Beyond

Dr. Gary M. Segura Morris M. Doyle Centennial Professor of Public Policy, Stanford University From 1996 to 2016, the number of Latinos voting in U.S. General Elections has jumped from 4.9 million…

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From  Political Science 0 likes 231 plays 0  

Understanding Thomas Jefferson

Dr. Annette Gordon-Reed and Dr. Peter Onuf Co-Authors, "The Most Blessed of Patriarchs: The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson" This Constitution Day presentation features two world-renowned…

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From  Political Science 0 likes 31 plays 0  

The Destruction of Slavery in the Civil War

Dr. James Oakes Faculty, City University of New York Dr. Oakes is the author of the book, “Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery in the United States, 1861-1865” (W.W. Norton,…

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From  History Department 0 likes 417 plays 0