Performance of Identity Final
Dr. Serpil Atamaz Assistant Professor of History California State University, Sacramento Dr. Serpil Atamaz reveals the truths behind gender
separation during World War I. She reveals how studies of…
Zayer Baazaoui Ph.D. candidate in Literary, Cultural and Linguistic Studies University of Miami, Florida Zayer Baazaoui explains the connection between the
development of society and the development…
Seve Christian CSU, Chico Student & Trans Program Coordinator, Gender & Sexuality Equity Center Connor Wenzel Trans Group Facilitator, Stonewall Alliance of Chico The presenters…
Ben Hudson, Executive Director Jacke Humphrey-Straub, MSW, Director of Programs Transgender individuals face barriers when trying to access healthcare services. Those barriers are described during…
Leonard Sax, MD, PhD A growing proportion of boys today regard academic achievement as something girls care about. Working hard to get straight A’s in the era of Eminem and John Mayer and…
Chris Stambaugh Founder & Director, The GRACE Network After a history of street outreach work with homeless, sexually-exploited youth, Sacramento-based Chris Stambaugh is now a consultant with…
Ben Hudson Executive Director Jacke Humphrey-Straub MSW, Director of Programs Gender Health Center Transgender individuals face barriers when trying to access healthcare services. Those…
Dr. Kate Transchel Professor, CSU, Chico History Department Dr. Transchel has been studying and advocating against human trafficking since 1999. Among other things, she describes world-wide…
CSU, Chico Students This presentation begins with an eye-opening short film about prostitution and sex trafficking. The presenters examine the relationships among pornography, prostitutes, johns,…
Anna Lind Thomas Residence Community Coordinator In this informative presentation, “hooking up” is defined as a physical encounter between two people with no strings attached. The…
Dr. David Hibbard Psychology Department Dr. Gail Walton Child Development Department Do you want to learn how to get the most out of your relationships? Want to know the “secrets”…
Dr. Elina Lastro Nino Assistant Specialist in CE, Department of Entomology & Nematology, UC Davis Dr. Elina Lastro Nino directs the E.L. Nino Bee Lab at the UC Davis Honey Bee Research…
Dr. Scott Carroll Institute for Contemporary Evolution, Davis and Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis This is a time of rapid global change, which means current biological science…
Amy Luna Manderino Author Ms. Manderino is currently working on research for a book about shifting paradigms regarding aging, gender, and sexuality. She asserts that understanding physical,…