HICAP - Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program

HICAP - Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program

Passages HICAP provides Medicare counseling services in Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Plumas, and Tehama counties.

HICAP is a state-sponsored, volunteer-supported program that provides free counseling to people with Medicare about their benefits, rights and options, and other health insurance related questions.  

Who Does HICAP Serve?
  • Current Medicare beneficiaries
  • Adult children and other representatives of Medicare beneficiaries
  • People about to become eligible for Medicare or planning for retirement
  • People younger than 65 years old who are eligible for Medicare due to a disability
  • Service providers, such as social workers, nurses, doctors, and healthcare advocates 

Call 530-898-6716 or email us at passageshicap@csuchico.edu to schedule an appointment! 

 Public, Restricted

3 Media
2 Members
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