Dr. Jonathan Caudill Dr. Michael Coyle Dr. Alan Gibson Dr. Darin Haerle Dr. Doris Schartmueller Dr. Sarah Smith
This presentation is part of a series of events related to CSU, Chico’s 2015-2016 Book in Common, “Just Mercy,” by Bryan Stevenson, which focuses on prisoners and criminal justice issues. Six CSU, Chico professors approach the subject from six different perspectives: Criminal Continuity among Homicide Offenders (Dr. Caudill); Sentencing in the Age of the Prison Industrial Complex (Dr. Coyle); The Constitutional Roadblock to a Moratorium on the Death Penalty (Dr. Gibson), Adultification – Sentencing Youth into Adulthood (Dr. Darin Haerle); The U.S. Supreme Court and Major Sentencing Decisions (Dr. Schartmueller); and Patriarchy, Paternalism, or Just Plain Punishment? (Dr. Smith).