Search for tag: "court systems"

Hidden In Plain Sight: American Indians and the American Master Narrative

American Indians are often left out of the traditional American Narrative. Lisa Emmerich reveals the covering up of the dark history between Native Americans and Europeans. The lack of basic rights…

From  Multicultural & Gender Studies Department 0 likes 418 plays 0  

Climate Changes Everything for Everyone

Dune Lankard Alaskan Representative Center for Biological Diversity Dune Lankard discusses the impacts of climate change on the 31 rural villages along the Alaskan coast. Communities, wildlife,…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 53 plays 0  

Socio-legal Aspects of Sentencing

Panel of CSU, Chico Faculty Dr. Jonathan Caudill Dr. Michael Coyle Dr. Alan Gibson Dr. Darin Haerle Dr. Doris Schartmueller Dr. Sarah Smith This presentation is part of a series of events…

From  Political Science 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Democracy's Essentials: Free Speech & Government Accountability

Panel of Professional Journalists and Legal Experts A panel of journalists and legal experts discuss free speech issues in the field of journalism. They include: Peter Scheer, Executive Director of…

From  Journalism & Public Relations 0 likes 174 plays 0