Search for tag: "humanities"

Tower Society - Humanities & Fine Arts - Evergreen

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Chico State Commencement 2023 - College of Humanities & Fine Arts, College of Natural Sciences - Sunday, May 21st, 9am

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Religious Studies and Humanities Information Session

This Chico State information session highlights the online Religious Studies program and the online Humanities program. It also includes a presentation by a Chico State Admissions Counselor. …

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Engaging Young Children in Science and Literacy Learning: One Biology Majors Career Path

Dr. Char Moffit School of Education CSU, ChicoWhen it comes to science, how are kids educated in our schools? Why are districts restricting the amount of science we teach? Dr. Char Moffit, a…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 123 plays 0  

Is Mexico's Democratic Consolidation Back on Track?

Dr. Stephen Lewis History Department CSU, ChicoHow does Mexico’s history, political parties, and corruption affect its government and people? Stephen Lewis explores the major elections and…

From  International Forums 0 likes 133 plays 0  

Hidden In Plain Sight: American Indians and the American Master Narrative

American Indians are often left out of the traditional American Narrative. Lisa Emmerich reveals the covering up of the dark history between Native Americans and Europeans. The lack of basic rights…

From  Multicultural & Gender Studies Department 0 likes 420 plays 0  

Representations of Female Homosexuality in Middle Eastern Contemporary Literature: Strategies and Critics

Zayer Baazaoui Ph.D. candidate in Literary, Cultural and Linguistic Studies University of Miami, Florida Zayer Baazaoui explains the connection between the development of society and the development…

From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 458 plays 0  

Temür, Painter of Politics

Levon Ghanimian Undergraduate History California State University, Northridge Levon Ghanimian explores art in the Middle East. He talks about the dark history of many of these areas, including war,…

From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 73 plays 0  

A New Platform for Discovery of Novel HIV Host-Pathogen Interactions

Joe Hiatt, MSTP V, University of California, San Francisco Lab of Alex Marson MD, PhD Joe Hiatt explains the basic background, lifecycle, and risk levels for HIV. This worldwide epidemic starting…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 1 likes 295 plays 0  

Gateway Science Museum - Museum Without Walls October 17th 2018

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 27 plays 0  

EDX CHICO - Complete Event

For a transcript of this event CLICK HERE

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Injustice Against Humanity- An Islamic Perspective

Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer Associate Chaplin & Assistant Research Scholar New York University Early in his presentation, Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer declares, “Every human being desires justice,”…

From  Salam_Association_Group 0 likes 656 plays 0  

Russia 1917: Why Did Tsarism Collapse and the Bolsheviks Come to Power?

Dr. Donald J. Raleigh Faculty, History Department University of North Carolina The basic facts of the Russian Revolution are widely known. Tsar Nicholas was ousted – and he and his family…

From  History Department 0 likes 242 plays 0  

Mexico's Faltering Democratic Transition

Dr. Stephen Lewis History Department CSU, Chico For 71 years, starting in 1929, Mexico was ruled by one political party, Partido Revoluncionario Institucional (PRI). As Dr. Stephen Lewis explains,…

From  International Forums 0 likes 423 plays 0  

New Musical Resources-Exploring Acoustic/Kinetic Objects

Trimpin Kinetic Sculptor, Sound Artist and Musician Over a long and distinguished career, the artist known as Trimpin has taken the term “mixed media” as far as anyone. His works…

From  Humanities Center 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Buddhist Attitudes Towards Science and Technology

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Facutly, CSU, Chico Comparative Religion and Humanities Department As an introduction to his presentation, Dr. Daniel Veidlinger notes, “Buddhism has long been…

From  Comparative Religion and Humanities Department 1 likes 1,573 plays 0