Search for tag: "gases"

Gateway Science Museum - Museum Without Walls October 17th 2018

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 30 plays 0  

EDX CHICO - Complete Event

For a transcript of this event CLICK HERE

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Brewing a Successful Sustainability Program

Cheri Chastain Sustainability Manager Sierra Nevada Brewing Company The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, founded and still headquartered in Chico, is known not only for its award-winning beers, but…

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From  Sustainability 2 likes 291 plays 0  

Climate Changes Everything for Everyone

Dune Lankard Alaskan Representative Center for Biological Diversity Dune Lankard discusses the impacts of climate change on the 31 rural villages along the Alaskan coast. Communities, wildlife,…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 53 plays 0  

The Youth's Climate Crusade: Atmospheric Trust Litigation in Courts Around the World

Mary Wood University of Oregon School of Law Mary Wood talks about a climate litigation approach she originated called “Atmospheric Trust Litigation.” Spearheaded in the courts by the…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Regenerative Agriculture and Carbon Smart Farming

Dr. Timothy LaSalle Regenerative Agriculture Initiative CSU, Chico Too much carbon in the atmosphere heats our planet beyond capacity for it to sustain life as we know it. Too much carbon in the…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 224 plays 0  

Life Without Light: Chemoautotrophically Based Cave Biology

Dr. Serban M. Sarbu Professor, University of Cincinnati Born in Romania, Dr. Sarbu developed his interest in caves and cave biology partly because Romania is a country containing many caves. He…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 201 plays 0  

Best Practices in Agricultural Water Use

Panel Discussion A panel of water experts discusses the importance of wise water use and how such uses are being implemented locally. In particular, information is provided about programs offered…

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From  College of Agriculture 0 likes 57 plays 0  

A Resilient Response to Our Planetary Crisis

Marissa Mommaerts Communications Manager, Transition US We live in uncertain times, but across the country and around the world people are taking practical, creative action to slow climate change…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 30 plays 0  

The Climate Crisis: Are We There Yet?

Dr. Guy McPherson Conservation Biologist, Author, and Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona Early in his presentation, Dr. McPherson states, “I’m concerned that…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Nuclear Accident

Dr. William Murphy Faculty, CSU, Chico Department of Geological and Environment Sciences Dr. Murphy’s goal for his presentation is putting Japan’s 2011 nuclear accident in the context…

From  Earth and Environmental Sciences 0 likes 62 plays 0  

Stewardship in the Anthropocene

Dennis Dimick Executive Editor, Environment, National Geographic Magazine Scientists and others have begun calling the human-dominated era of the Earth’s history the Anthropocene, or…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 29 plays 0