Search for tag: "france"

Edward II (1307-1327)

Edward II was the first English king deposed after the Norman Conquest. Standard history says he was then murdered. But was he?

From  OLLI 0 likes 89 plays 0  

A Peace to End All Peace? How World War I Ended

Panel discussion featuring Chico State history professors Dr. Laird Easton, Dr. Kate Transchel, and Dr. Najm al-Din Yousefi`There was no preface or instruction manual on the First World War. When…

From  History Department 0 likes 119 plays 0  

Is the EU the Wrong Direction for Europe in the Modern Age?

Dr. Dean Fairbanks Department of Geography & Planning CSU Chico Dr. Dean Fairbanks explores the possibility of no longer having an established European Union. Although this may be a…

From  International Forums 0 likes 59 plays 0  

When Consipicuous Consumption Isnt't Cool: Women and Consumer Culture in Cuba

From  International Forums 0 likes 36 plays 0