Search for tag: "international relations"

Is the EU the Wrong Direction for Europe in the Modern Age?

Dr. Dean Fairbanks Department of Geography & Planning CSU Chico Dr. Dean Fairbanks explores the possibility of no longer having an established European Union. Although this may be a…

From  International Forums 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Moon between Kim and Trump

Dr. Eunhee Park History Department CSU, ChicoWhat will be the future of the Korean peninsula? War, or peace? Reunification, or coexistence of the two systems? How can we understand President…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 48 plays 0  

Bringing It All Home: North State Strong with John Micheal Scott and Audrey Denney

John and Susan Scott Audrey Denney John Michael Scott starts this keynote presentation with a performance of his new songs about the Camp Fire. Although they are uplifting and positive people,…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 38 plays 0  

The Role of American Leadership in International Organizations: the UN and NATO During the Trump Presidency

Dr. Adam Irish Political Science and Criminal Justice Department CSU, Chico Change in leadership is one of the most important components of democratic countries. In this talk, Dr. Adam Irish…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 78 plays 0  

Academic Senate 10-25-18

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From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 23 plays 0  

State of the University 2018

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 78 plays 0  

Machiavelli's Popular Prince

Dr. Catherine Zuckert Professor, Department of Political Science University of Notre Dame Dr. Zuckert asserts Machiavelli has a strangely two-sided reputation. He is most notably known for…

From  Political Science 0 likes 256 plays 0  

Fidel Castro-The View from the Global South

Dr. Stephen Lewis Faculty, History Department CSU, Chico When Fidel Castro died in 2016 at the age of 90, thousands of people mourned and thousands of people celebrated. Dr. Stephen Lewis begins…

From  History Department 0 likes 96 plays 0  

"Are We Great Yet?" - The First 100 Days of the Trump Administration

Dr. Sue Hilderbrand Dr. Diana Dwyre Dr. Darin Haerle Dr. Adam Irish Dr. Andrew Potter Faculty, Political Science Department, CSU, Chico Dr, Jacob Jennings Faculty, Economics Department, CSU,…

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From  Political Science 0 likes 113 plays 0  

Islamophobia: The New Anti-Semitism

Dr. Amin Asfari Faculty, Wake Technology College & North Carolina Wesleyan College Dr. Amin Asfari has a deeply personal reason for working to educate people about prejudice. His cousin was…

From  Philosophy Department 0 likes 594 plays 0  

Cuba and the US in a Sandbox: Tit for Tat in the Cuban Funny Papers

Dr. Sara E. Cooper Director, Multicultural & Gender Studies Department and Faculty, International Languages, Literature, & Cultural Department CSU, Chico Dr. Sara Cooper likens the…

From  Anthropology Department 0 likes 65 plays 0  

We Honor Veterans Part 1

April Grossberger CSU, Chico, MSW Intern, Paradise Hospice Teresa McClenathan Registered Nurse Paradise Hospice We Honor Veterans is a national awareness and action campaign developed by the…

From  Interdisciplinary Center on Aging 0 likes 69 plays 0  

PREDICT: A project of USAID's emerging pandemic threat's program identifying the potential for emergence and mitigating the spread of pandemic zoonoses

Dr. Tracey Goldstein One Health Institute, UC Davis PREDICT is a project of the USAID (United States Agency for International Development). Dr. Goldstein is one of the coordinators for this…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 127 plays 0  

Eat the View: The Fight for Edible Landscapes

Roger Doiron Founder & Director of Kitchen Gardens International Sometimes the best solution to a big problem is not a single, big one but many little ones. In his globe-trotting presentation…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Global Policy Series: US-Israeli Relations

Dr. Jed Wyrick Faculty, CSU, Chico Comparative Religions and Humanities Department Dr. Wyrick discusses the role of Israel in U.S. Foreign Policy and in the 2016 Presidential election from a…

From  International Forums 0 likes 84 plays 0  

The Truth Behind Argo: Iranian Hostage Crisis and Its Impact on Iranian-American Relations

Casey Benson, Thomas Giles, and Eric Lefevers Students, California State University, Chico The speakers use the results of their research to assert that the 1979-1981 hostage crisis, when Iranian…

From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 193 plays 0