About a week before your first paycheck, you should receive notices to complete compliance training from training@csuchico.edu. All CSU campuses use CSU Learn to deliver and track the completion of…
Dr. Stephen Lewis, History Department Dr. Jacque Chase, Geography & Planning DepartmentCSU Chico The recent landslide election of far-right populist Jair Bolsonaro represented a remarkable turn…
Dr. Eunhee Park History Department CSU, ChicoWhat will be the future of the Korean peninsula? War, or peace?
Reunification, or coexistence of the two systems? How can we understand
Dr. Kimberly Mulligan Assistant Professor Department of Biology Sacramento State University
Dr. Kim Mulligan shares her
research utilizing drosophila melanogaster (a species of fly) to…
Dr. Desislava
Pedeva-Fazlic CSU, Chico History
How does emigration affect countries of origin? Are they
losing their most educated people? Do their economies benefit, or do…
John and
Susan Scott Audrey
John Michael Scott starts this keynote presentation with a
performance of his new songs about the Camp Fire. Although they are uplifting
and positive people,…
Alice Julier Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT), Associate Professor, and Director of Food Studies at Chatham Grains play a major part in developing…
In this video, a panel of K-12 administrators answer
“job seeker” questions from Chico State credential candidates. This video is
part 2 of a 2 of the panel Q &A.The panel…
Aurea Bolanos Perea M.A. Candidate, Chico State Department of Political Science President, Council of Graduate Students Area Bolanos Perea identifies herself as an immigrant, a
feminist, and a…
Jamie Pardi EntrepreneurJamie
Pardi, a Chico State alumni, walks us through his life timeline, from being an
involved member of a fraternity, captain of the Men's Lacrosse Team to…
Dr. Jess Magallanes-Evans Counseling & Wellness Center/ UMatter What exactly is stress and how can we manage it? Jessica
Magallanes-Evans explores the cognitive, emotional, physical, and…
Migration, the movement of people to a new area or country in
order to find work or better living conditions. Much of this process is
overlooked or ignored in our society, however Alexander Ryll…
For a transcript of this event CLICK HERE