Search for tag: "environmental economics"

Bringing It All Home: North State Strong with John Micheal Scott and Audrey Denney

John and Susan Scott Audrey Denney John Michael Scott starts this keynote presentation with a performance of his new songs about the Camp Fire. Although they are uplifting and positive people,…

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From  Sustainability 0 likes 36 plays 0  

With and Against the Grain: Bread in the Late Anthropocene

Alice Julier Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT), Associate Professor, and Director of Food Studies at Chatham Grains play a major part in developing…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Incorporating Rapid Evolutionary Change Into Management Decision-Making: The Role of Conectivity

Dr. Marissa Baskett Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis Humans play a major role in every ecological system on Earth. Sometimes one can see the human domination very easily…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 43 plays 0