Search for tag: "military"

Chico State Commencement - Friday May 17, 2019 - 730pm

For a transcript of this event CLICK HERE Behavioral and Social Sciences

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 40 plays 0  

Jair Bolsonaro and the Fate of Brazil's Democratic Transition

Dr. Stephen Lewis, History Department Dr. Jacque Chase, Geography & Planning DepartmentCSU Chico The recent landslide election of far-right populist Jair Bolsonaro represented a remarkable turn…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Moon between Kim and Trump

Dr. Eunhee Park History Department CSU, ChicoWhat will be the future of the Korean peninsula? War, or peace? Reunification, or coexistence of the two systems? How can we understand President…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 49 plays 0  

When Consipicuous Consumption Isnt't Cool: Women and Consumer Culture in Cuba

From  International Forums 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Academic Senate 3-7-19

From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Career Planning Session

Jeffrey Harrington Advisor, Career Center CSU, ChicoIn this video Jeffrey Harrington (Chico State Career Advisor) discusses best practices for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and interview…

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From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 175 plays 0  

Spring 2019 - State of the University

For a full transcript of this event click here

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Canada: Our Friendly Neighbour to the North

Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Comparative Religion and Humanities Department CSU, Chico Canada is the second largest country in the world and sits just to the north of the United States with the longest…

From  International Forums 0 likes 40 plays 0  

The Role of American Leadership in International Organizations: the UN and NATO During the Trump Presidency

Dr. Adam Irish Political Science and Criminal Justice Department CSU, Chico Change in leadership is one of the most important components of democratic countries. In this talk, Dr. Adam Irish…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 79 plays 0  

Academic Senate 1-31-19

From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 8 plays 0  

What Happened to Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution

Dr. Stephen Lewis Chair, History Department California State University, Chico Twenty years ago, Hugo Chávez became president of Venezuela and launched what he called the Bolivarian…

From  International Forums 0 likes 438 plays 0  

Changing the Game Uncharted, RISKY and Rewarding

Jamie Pardi EntrepreneurJamie Pardi, a Chico State alumni, walks us through his life timeline, from being an involved member of a fraternity, captain of the Men's Lacrosse Team to…

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From  Chico State Center for Entrepreneurship 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Data Science Information Session

Dr. Robin Donatello Dr. Gordon Wolfe Dr. Kevin Buffardi Dr. Arash NegahbanThe core components of Chico State’s Data Science program include math, computer science, and statistics, however…

From  Data Science 0 likes 169 plays 0  

Women and World War I in the Middle East

Dr. Serpil Atamaz Assistant Professor of History California State University, Sacramento Dr. Serpil Atamaz reveals the truths behind gender separation during World War I. She reveals how studies of…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 503 plays 0  

Uncertain Status: Migrant Labor in Morocco and Spain

Migration, the movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. Much of this process is overlooked or ignored in our society, however Alexander Ryll…

From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 32 plays 0  

My Science Journey

Margie T. Borra-Garske, Ph.D. Margie T. Borra-Garske walks us through her experience in science throughout her education and career. She talks about her involvement in STEM and various science…

From  Women in STEM 0 likes 78 plays 0