Search for tag: "research"

Molecular dynamics simulation as a tool to study C-terminus residue motion of Norwalk virus capsid

Dr. Mahendra B. ThapaDepartment of Physics CSU Chico Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of protein helps to study motion and its development with time which may not be studied experimentally. Because…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 90 plays 0  

Bringing It All Home: North State Strong with Dave Schlom

Dave Schlom North State Public Radio Host, Blue Dot Dave Schlom of North State Public Radio hosts a panel of four wildfire survivors that currently reside, or once resided, in Redding,…

From  Sustainability 0 likes 70 plays 0  

InfoVis: Communicating Data Visually

Dr. Kevin Buffardi CSU, Chico Computer Science Department Information is plentiful, but making sense of it is not always so easy. Graphical representation of data can help us discover new…

From  Data Science 0 likes 156 plays 0  

Career Planning Session

Jeffrey Harrington Advisor, Career Center CSU, ChicoIn this video Jeffrey Harrington (Chico State Career Advisor) discusses best practices for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and interview…

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From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 175 plays 0  

Self-care & Stress Management: Yes ... You DO have time for that

Dr. Jess Magallanes-Evans Counseling & Wellness Center/ UMatter What exactly is stress and how can we manage it? Jessica Magallanes-Evans explores the cognitive, emotional, physical, and…

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From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 306 plays 0  

Engaging Young Children in Science and Literacy Learning: One Biology Majors Career Path

Dr. Char Moffit School of Education CSU, ChicoWhen it comes to science, how are kids educated in our schools? Why are districts restricting the amount of science we teach? Dr. Char Moffit, a…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 125 plays 0  

Biomedical Optical Imaging and Machine Learning for Cancer and Disease Detection

Dr. Hassan Salehi Electrical and Computer Engineering Department CSU, Chico Dr. Salehi describes different machinery used to detect cancer and other diseases. From ultrasounds to lasers, detecting…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 319 plays 0  

Data Science Information Session

Dr. Robin Donatello Dr. Gordon Wolfe Dr. Kevin Buffardi Dr. Arash NegahbanThe core components of Chico State’s Data Science program include math, computer science, and statistics, however…

From  Data Science 0 likes 169 plays 0  

Auto-Orientalism and Trauma

Alexandre Dorriz BA University of California Berkeley MFA Candidate University of Southern California Alexandre Dorriz revisits Edward Said’s definitions around latent Orientalism…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 585 plays 0  

Folktales of the Afghani Jews

Audrey Armstrong Undergraduate Anthropology California State University, Chico Audrey Armstrong presents her findings from an interview with the son of an Afghani Jew. She explains how the common…

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From  Middle East Studies Symposium 0 likes 127 plays 0  

Biomedical Optical Imaging and Machine Learning for Cancer and Disease Detection

Hassan S. Salehi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering California State University, Chico Dr. Salehi goes into different biomedical sensing and imaging systems…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 175 plays 0  

My Science Journey

Margie T. Borra-Garske, Ph.D. Margie T. Borra-Garske walks us through her experience in science throughout her education and career. She talks about her involvement in STEM and various science…

From  Women in STEM 0 likes 80 plays 0  

Academic Senate 10-25-18

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From  Marianne Paiva 0 likes 23 plays 0  

A New Platform for Discovery of Novel HIV Host-Pathogen Interactions

Joe Hiatt, MSTP V, University of California, San Francisco Lab of Alex Marson MD, PhD Joe Hiatt explains the basic background, lifecycle, and risk levels for HIV. This worldwide epidemic starting…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 1 likes 298 plays 0  

Overcoming Barriers: Breakthrough and Create Exponential Business Growth

Prem Chand Founder and and CEO of Growth FactorsPrem Chand grew up on a farm, working hard and selling produce as a kid. This gave him a drive for success. He started his own company which quickly…

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From  Chico State Center for Entrepreneurship 0 likes 151 plays 0  

Gateway Science Museum - Museum Without Walls October 17th 2018

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 30 plays 0