Search for tag: "meteorology"

Biomedical Optical Imaging and Machine Learning for Cancer and Disease Detection

Dr. Hassan Salehi Electrical and Computer Engineering Department CSU, Chico Dr. Salehi describes different machinery used to detect cancer and other diseases. From ultrasounds to lasers, detecting…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 319 plays 0  

Biomedical Optical Imaging and Machine Learning for Cancer and Disease Detection

Hassan S. Salehi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering California State University, Chico Dr. Salehi goes into different biomedical sensing and imaging systems…

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From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 175 plays 0  

Gateway Science Museum - Museum without Walls - October 24th 2018

For a transcript of this event CLICK HERE

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Regenerating the Diversity of Life in Soils: Hope for Farming, Ranching and Climate

Dr. David Johnson Molecular Biologist New Mexico State University, and Adjunct Faculty, CSU, Chico Dr. David Johnson is a Molecular Biologist conducting research for the Institute for Sustainable…

From  Sustainability 1 likes 8,703 plays 0  

Selectivity of Membrane Proteins Towards Individual Phospholipids

Dr. Arthur Laganowsky Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University Lipids are a large and diverse group of naturally occurring organic molecules that include: fats; waxes; sterols; mono-, di-,…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 78 plays 0  

AquAlliance: Defending Northern California Waters

Jim Brobeck Water-Policy Analyst, AquAlliance Jim Brobeck from AquAlliance explains why it is inefficient to use Northern California water to grow orchard crops in the San Joaquin Valley. He…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 112 plays 0  

Global Policy Series: The Environment

Dr. David Hassenzahl Dean, CSU, Chico College of Natural Sciences Dr. Dean Fairbanks Faculty, CSU, Chico Geography & Planning Department Dr. James Pushnik Faculty, CSU, Chico Biological…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 49 plays 0