Discussion on the following Cascade topics: Accordion Tab: https://support.csuchico.edu/TDClient/1984/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=41569 Content Set Widget Video into Webpage:…
Panel discussion featuring Chico State history professors Dr. Laird Easton, Dr. Kate Transchel, and Dr. Najm al-Din Yousefi`There was no preface or instruction manual on the First
World War. When…
Dr. Chunyan
Song & Dr. Will Nitzky Sociology
& Anthropology Department CSU, Chico Dr. Chunyan
Song and Dr. Will Nitzky discuss their summer 2019 faculty-led study abroad
program. The…
Dr. Mahendra B. ThapaDepartment of Physics CSU Chico Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of protein helps to study motion and its development with time which may not be studied experimentally. Because…
Mike Casazza USGS Western Ecological Research
Wildlife biologist Mike Casazza
presents his research findings on California waterfowl. Mike discusses the
movement of waterfowl and what…
Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Comparative Religion and Humanities Department CSU, Chico Canada is the second largest country in the world and sits just to the
north of the United States with the longest…