Dr. Catherine Zuckert Professor,
Department of Political Science University
of Notre Dame
Zuckert asserts Machiavelli has a strangely two-sided reputation. He is most
notably known for Machiavellian politics based on his widely read book, “The
Prince.” Political philosophers reviewing his discourse on Livy label
Machiavelli as a Republican thinker. So which is he? Dr. Zuckert presents a
fuller, more comprehensive and coherent understanding of Machiavelli’s thought
by arguing that in “The Prince” he was not trying to teach others to be tyrants
but rather he was seeking to convince rulers that were tempted to become
tyrants that the best way they could maintain or expand their position was to
serve the basic desires of their people for security of life, family, and
property. Join Dr. Zuckert as she takes viewers on a fascinating journey.