Featuring Julia Yarbough
(former news anchor). She shares what she learned in her caregiving journey,
along with tips and support to help you along the way as you care, or prepare
to care, for…
Mike Casazza USGS Western Ecological Research
Wildlife biologist Mike Casazza
presents his research findings on California waterfowl. Mike discusses the
movement of waterfowl and what…
John and
Susan Scott Audrey
John Michael Scott starts this keynote presentation with a
performance of his new songs about the Camp Fire. Although they are uplifting
and positive people,…
Dr. Don Miller Biological Sciences Department CSU, Chico Dr. Don Miller explains his findings regarding insects in Bidwell Park. Among butterflies tales, aphids anecdotes, and Jerusalem crickets…
Alice Julier Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT), Associate Professor, and Director of Food Studies at Chatham Grains play a major part in developing…
Tavona Lindo and Sabrina
Contreras Student Assistants Student Learning Center CSU, Chico
The GRE is a standardized test that is an admissions
requirement for most graduate schools in the United…
Dr. Chunyan
Song Sociology
Department CSU, Chico Dr. Song begins her story being born and raised in Linyi, of
the Shandong Province in China. She talks about her experiences of always
sharing a…
For a full transcript of this event click here
Dr. Daniel Veidlinger Comparative Religion and Humanities Department CSU, Chico Canada is the second largest country in the world and sits just to the
north of the United States with the longest…
Jamie Pardi EntrepreneurJamie
Pardi, a Chico State alumni, walks us through his life timeline, from being an
involved member of a fraternity, captain of the Men's Lacrosse Team to…
American Indians are often left out of the traditional
American Narrative. Lisa Emmerich reveals the covering up of the dark history
between Native Americans and Europeans. The lack of basic rights…
Dr. Serpil Atamaz Assistant Professor of History California State University, Sacramento Dr. Serpil Atamaz reveals the truths behind gender
separation during World War I. She reveals how studies of…