Search for tag: "digital technology"

Data Science Information Session

Dr. Robin Donatello Dr. Gordon Wolfe Dr. Kevin Buffardi Dr. Arash NegahbanThe core components of Chico State’s Data Science program include math, computer science, and statistics, however…

From  Data Science 0 likes 165 plays 0  

Finding Balance in a .dotcom Society

Robert Morton, Residence Community Coordinator, CSU, Chico In this presentation, subtitled “Managing Your Social Media Identity,” Robert Morton takes a look at the phenomenon known as…

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 28 plays 0  

Thinking Outside the Xbox: the play between religion and video games

Gregory Price Grieve Faculty, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Professor Gregory Price Grieves’ work investigates the role that popular forms of…

From  Humanities Center 0 likes 178 plays 0