Search for tag: "indigenous peoples"

Hidden In Plain Sight: American Indians and the American Master Narrative

American Indians are often left out of the traditional American Narrative. Lisa Emmerich reveals the covering up of the dark history between Native Americans and Europeans. The lack of basic rights…

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From  Multicultural & Gender Studies Department 0 likes 425 plays 0  

Hip-hop as a Global Language of Resistance

Una Lsum Multilingual Mexican Hip-hop Artisto DJ Survive Hip-hop DJ from Los Angeles This presentation features two hip-hop artists from indigenous groups in Mexico. Usa Isu is from a…

From  College of Humanities & Fine Arts 0 likes 211 plays 0  

Playing Indian: Europeans, First Peoples, and Struggles for Hegemony in Early North America

Dr. William J. Campbell History Faculty, University of Memphis In the first part of his presentation, Dr. William Campbell looks at the phenomenon of American white people dressing in what they…

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From  Humanities Center 0 likes 230 plays 0