Search for tag: "cultural history"

Engaging Young Children in Science and Literacy Learning: One Biology Majors Career Path

Dr. Char Moffit School of Education CSU, ChicoWhen it comes to science, how are kids educated in our schools? Why are districts restricting the amount of science we teach? Dr. Char Moffit, a…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 125 plays 0  

Injustice Against Humanity- An Islamic Perspective

Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer Associate Chaplin & Assistant Research Scholar New York University Early in his presentation, Sheikh Faiyaz Jaffer declares, “Every human being desires justice,”…

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From  Salam_Association_Group 0 likes 668 plays 0  

Russia 1917: Why Did Tsarism Collapse and the Bolsheviks Come to Power?

Dr. Donald J. Raleigh Faculty, History Department University of North Carolina The basic facts of the Russian Revolution are widely known. Tsar Nicholas was ousted – and he and his family…

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From  History Department 0 likes 252 plays 0  

Gold Boys and Emerald Girls: Reflections on Teaching and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Taiwan

Dr. Rob Davidson Faculty English Department CSU, Chico Cross-cultural teaching brings its own special rewards and challenges, an experience in which politics, culture, and language become…

From  International Forums 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Early Members of the Department of Biological Sciences: Biology before Vesta Holt

Dr. Ailsie McEnteggart The Biological Science Department at CSU, Chico – as well as other natural science departments – is housed in a large, three-story building named Vesta Holt Hall,…

From  Biological Sciences Academic Forums 0 likes 92 plays 0  

Insurgent Poetics: Indigenous Cultural Revitalization in Contemporary Latin America

Dr. Hannah Burdette Faculty, Department of International Languages, Literature's, & Cultures, CSU, Chico “Our word is our weapon” is a saying of the Zapatista movement of…

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From  International Forums 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Developing a Research Question that Interests You

Kevin Klipfel Information Literacy Coordinator, CSU, Chico Meriam Library Kevin Klipfel shows students how to turn a general interest in a subject into something specific that has enough…

From  Jeff Layne 0 likes 98 plays 0