Search for tag: "film production"

Gateway Science Museum - Museum Without Walls October 17th 2018

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From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Fall 2018 - Convocation

For a written transcript of this event. Follow this link.

From  Chico State Media Productions 0 likes 120 plays 0  

Animation at the Walt Disney Studios

Chuck Harvey Animator, Walt Disney Studios Chuck Harvey, a Disney animator for nearly 40 years, explains the creation of animated short or feature-length films from the first ideas through to the…

From  Computer Graphics Club 0 likes 165 plays 0  

Animation at the Walt Disney Studios

Chuck Harvey Animator, Walt Disney Studios Chuck Harvey, a Disney animator for nearly 40 years, explains the creation of animated short or feature-length films from the first ideas through to the…

From  Computer Graphics Club 0 likes 1,108 plays 0